Democratic Transitions yesterday and today in Eastern Europe: nation, parties and civil society - London, 22 October
Add date: 2014-10-13

We cordially invite you to participate in the third lecture organised as part of the Polish Parliamentarism and Democratic Traditions project

City University London
Northampton Square
London, EC1V 0HB
22 October, at 6:00 pm

"Democratic Transitions yesterday and today in Eastern Europe: nation, parties and civil society"

Keynote speakers: 
Prof. Aleks Szczerbiak (Sussex University)
George Gomori (independent Hungarian writer and academic)
Dr Tom Davies (City University London)

Please RSVP at:
The lecture is free to attend, but places are limited

The aim of the project Polish Parliamentarism and Democratic Traditions is to popularise knowledge of Polish history and increase British public opinion’s awareness of its importance for the process of democratisation of Central and Eastern Europe. The project is carried out by the Centre for Political Thought with the support of Polish Research Centre of the Jagiellonian University in London. Lectures in the UK are organized in cooperation with the City University London. The project is co-financed by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.